STEM Flights

STEM Flights is a national nonprofit organization that connects Middle and High School students with volunteer Pilot Mentors across the country to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). We inspire America's youth to pursue STEM and aviation careers with a unique AND FREE flight experience!

We encourage students to jumpstart their STEM learning by completing a pre-flight Mission of choice using our customized curriculum that introduces students to STEM learning, activities, and opportunities.

Our Mission is to provide students with an experience that lays the foundation to encourage students to pursue careers in STEM and Aviation in the future.


Get Connected with STEM Flights!

STEM Flights is for 6th-12th grade students.

A STEM Flight is completely free and is provided at no-cost to students and their families

STEM Flight Curriculum and Pre-Flight Missions

All students who fly with STEM Flights automatically gets enrolled in our STEM Flights Following Program that provides additional STEM and Aviation resources, programs, and opportunities at the national level. 


All students also receive our monthly STEM Flight Following Newsletter that provides them with career resources, along with STEM and Aviation activities and opportunities.

Building Partnerships to Inspire Youth Across America

We believe our STEM Flights Mission aligns with Million Girls Moonshot by working together to provide students with powerful opportunities that inspire them to pursue the   world of STEM by encouraging them to build ambitions around STEM careers and exploration.  Our mission at STEM Flights is to provide an experience for students that allows them to feel empowered to reach for their dreams and pursue their goals in the STEM field.


Scientific Adventures for Girls

