Overdeck Family Foundation

Our grantmaking and strategic support focus on unlocking innovation, evidence, and growth opportunities for organizations and researchers that are committed to accelerating key academic and socioemotional outcomes for all children from birth through 9th grade.


Inspired Minds

Inspired Minds priority outcomes include science achievement, math achievement, STEM identity, self-efficacy, and sense of belonging.

Math Grants

Relevant math grants include support to Learn Fresh, a partnership between MathTalk and Abriendo Puertas, Almost Fun, BEAM, BellXcel, Brilliant.org, EiE Families, Museum of Math, and PowerMyLearning.

The National Center for Family Math includes PBS SoCal Family Math, Young Mathematicians @ EDC, and is led by the National Association for Family, School, Community Engagement.


Contact inspiredminds@overdeck.org for more information.


National Girls Collaborative Project


National Society of Black Engineers